So a friend of mine recently spent two hours with me and the entire time he talked about himself. Correction, he talked about himself and lambasted my website and podcast. He even tore apart the name of my show. You know how fragile I am and how put a lot of myself into my podcast. It’s really personal, so getting attacked like this no matter how hard I try always makes it feel like it’s a personal attack. Heck, I spend money on this dang thing! Word to the wise: If you feel the need to criticize and to tear down remember it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to attempt to build back up. Otherwise you are a hater and a hater’s gonna hate hate hate hate hate and that’s about it.
Next show it’s the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with ANTHONY VERNON, plus we’ll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!
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