I sincerely hope you’re enjoying your weekend. Enjoy it more with this podcast here…
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Today it’s the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with the SAN FRANCISCO band GREAT HIGHWAY! Plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster! And Proctor & Gamble, the huge company that used to have a satanic logo, is selling off some of their huge brand names. Oo, can I buy Bounty? I want THE QUICKER PICKER UPPER as my dog walker name. We find out more on this show.
Remember a couple weeks ago when gas prices were still going up and they were saying we were getting an Economic Stimulus? Bush gave us one a couple years back. The gas companies gave us this one. But do you know who gave us a Space Stimulus? TV makers. That’s right, by making our televisions and computer monitors flat, we suddenly have an extra couple feet of space! Also less heat. Are we a happier nation because of it? Maybe not, but we have more room to stretch, so maybe we’re a little more limber.
Next show it’s the return of the much loved feature WOW SCHATZ WOW where we look at some interesting, surprising recent news stories, plus we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley!
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