Hear the end of a fun interview and great music on this podcast. Oh, yeah, and there’s some fanciful shenanigans that take place on this Friday. You can’t miss it!
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Today it’s the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW from the BERKELY band MULLERETTE! Plus we FINALLY REVEAL THE NAME OF THE ACTUAL PLACE WHERE WE DO THIS SHOW from! Yes, it’s the LAST PLACE ON EARTH, but where is that exactly? And we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer! You’ll also hear news about Dawn. No, not that friend you had in junior high who used to comment on your lunch pale and ask you what a "Star Wars" was. It’s the NASA spacecraft that has just entered an orbit around the asteroid known as Ceres.
Do you feel a little guilty when you’re driving smoothly on one side of the highway while the other side is all backed up? I kinda feel like telling those stopped drivers, "Hey, it’s not that bad! They’ve almost moved the stalled truck out of the way" or whatever. But then I would I would have to stop and then I would cause an accident and then both sides would be stopped and then time would stop and then this sentence.
Next show it’s the return of the much loved feature DO YOU KNOW DAT? where we’ll look at some interesting recent news and facts you didn’t know. Plus we’ll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!
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