842 The Alternative Show

Today it’s part 2 of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with PETE JORDAN of the WASHINGTON band CLOUD PERSON and singer/songwriter KYE ALFRED HILLIG, plus we’ll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer! And no more "race together" on my cup when I pick it up from the frazzled irritated Starbucks barrista? We’ll find out more on this show.

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So Basil got his bandages removed yesterday but now begins a whole new set of pain since now he has to wear a plastic cone so he won’t play with the stitches on his front paw all day and that would destroy the necessary sutures but I can’t complain: He at least still has a paw and someday someday he’ll be okay okay. Till then, there are some unnecessary names for his cone look: Ming the Merciless, Queen Elisabeth, Reverse Nipper (that’s for you RCA fans), and the walking spiral coin gravity display.

Next show it’s PART 3 of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with PETE JORDAN of the WASHINGTON band CLOUD PERSON and singer/songwriter KYE ALFRED HILLIG. We’ll hear some of Kye’s music, plus we’ll hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

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Website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com

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and here’s today’s PODCAST PICTURE…

Published by Mike Matthews

Mike's Daily Podcast features the characters Mike Matthews did for 11 years on the Santa Fe Cafe radio show that was heard in Ventura County, California, as well as some of the characters Mike did on other radio stations in the late 80's and early 90's.