MIKEs DAILY PODCAST Thursday 2/14/2013 6pm


MIKE’s DAILY PODCAST effizode 467 Thursday February 14th 2013 6pm Pacific Time
“Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!”

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Happy Valentine’s Day!  Some people pronounce it Valentime’s Day.  Those people are also known as idiots.  However way you say it, hopefully you enjoy it.  Personally, I think it puts unneeded pressure on spouses to buy some stupid gift in the middle of February and for those who are single it’s a sad reminder that they’re single.  So this day sucks for many reasons.  Sorry I even brought it up.

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE’s CASSETTE CUBBYHOLE featuring an interview I did with a beautiful Country singer who had a number one hit then vanished!

Tomorrow we bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM, plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!

Email me if you’d like to sponsor the show or if you’d like to be a guest on the show at MikesDailyPodcast@gmail.com
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In my 20’s I worked at KNJO in Thousand Oaks, CA and now you can hear this show at Noon, 3pm, and 6pm DAILY on http://KNJOradio.com and at 2pm and 5pm DAILY on http://www.XRQK.com/LosAngeles


Published by Mike Matthews

Mike's Daily Podcast features the characters Mike Matthews did for 11 years on the Santa Fe Cafe radio show that was heard in Ventura County, California, as well as some of the characters Mike did on other radio stations in the late 80's and early 90's.