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Mike Matthews talks about the 1900th episode of Mike’s Daily Podcast and the unwelcome surprises in life. Plus it’s Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster. Next show it’s Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley.

Here’s today’s show on Mixcloud!

Download today’s show from Dropbox here…

Or from Launchpad here…And check out the show on the Podcasts website by clicking here…

Email the show at MikesDailyPodcast at gmail dot com


Call/text Café Anyway and leave a message for the show at (336)MM DAILY

or (336) 663-2459.

Listen to the show all over the placeITunes
Player FM

Mike is a social guy! Find him on social media here…

Listen at the Google Play store here, on Spotify here, on Deezer here, on Soundcloud here, on Launchpad here, AND on the I Heart Radio app here…

And here’s today’s PODCAST PICTURE…

Published by Mike Matthews

Mike's Daily Podcast features the characters Mike Matthews did for 11 years on the Santa Fe Cafe radio show that was heard in Ventura County, California, as well as some of the characters Mike did on other radio stations in the late 80's and early 90's.