MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 15 for Saturday May 21st, 2011…Doomsday!!!
Listen to the show by clicking on the MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com link…
So Katy Perry's popular
She's taken that annoying voice far
Not to say that mine's much better
But I look less striking in a sweater
Her rider was talked about on Yahoo
And she has 45 pages to tell them what to do
Before her show she has rules for her chauffeur
He can't drive in the left lane or even look at her
Talk about get her to the Greek! She's taking a couple cues from her hubby!
Oh, and she sells her own tickets that she gets anywayz
Is she that hard up for money these days?
So the end of the world came and went and I still see a lot of Christians walking around! What's going on? I have a book that might explain…and it's not the Bible!
Valentino, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega all stop by…
We also have another installment of MIKE ON MOBILE!
By the way, we are "inheriting" the dog you see in today's picture. She's a beautiful boxer named Layla whom Basil already knows and loves! Basil is in today's show, too!
Tomorrow we'll hear from Chely Shoehart and Floyd. They're looking forward to cancelling all their Sunday plans to come to THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH!
Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
For a direct MP3 link to the podcast click below…
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