MIKEs DAILY PODCAST the Society Show 7/15/2013

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 535 Monday July 15th 2013 8pm Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"

Nacho Libre.  Have you seen it?  Jack Black is so hilarious in that.  I know it's silly beyond belief but there's something about that film that will always help you escape.  Also, one of the heroes is a fan of science.  He also enjoys roasted corn covered in butter and spices.  That ain't all bad.

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the NEW segment DO YOU KNOW DAT? where look at some interesting stories regarding today's society that you probably haven't heard about.

Tomorrow we bring you the return of the segment THE BOTTOM OF THE CHARTS, plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!

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I've been interviewed about the show!!! Check it out here http://voxelectro.com/2013/05/16/mikes-daily-podcast

Published by Mike Matthews

Mike's Daily Podcast features the characters Mike Matthews did for 11 years on the Santa Fe Cafe radio show that was heard in Ventura County, California, as well as some of the characters Mike did on other radio stations in the late 80's and early 90's.