Mike Asks WHAT THE HECK? about Television

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Conan has left the building and some people have expressed a “hurrah” for this fact. Some people just didn’t get Conan’s humor. We’ll call these people…”old.” Conan’s humor wasn’t crass, it wasn’t toilet, it wasn’t most crap on Comedy Central. (Okay, once in a very great while it is.)

It was goofy. It was “cartoonish.” It was geeky. It was dead-on at times. I heard one conservative “humorist” say what’s the new thing that Conan will do next? Hopefully be funny, he said. Another columnist said Conan’s fans (I’m with Coco) won’t stick around for him when he comes back “somewhere” in September.

THEY WILL. I would be more worried for the “Leno Fans.” Those folks are more likely to stroke out on their TV dinner trays before he comes back to the Tonight Show after the Winter Olympics. Leno will come back and DO THE EXACT SAME STUPID SHOW he did at 11:35 before and at 10pm for the past 4 months. His audience has moved on (or died). Letterman should be so happy. He does a consistently great show on a consistently consistent network that lets him continue consistently. Craig Ferguson is a genius on after him. Fallon is a joke. The Roots are an amazing band. I grew up with Kimmel’s kind in the San Fernando Valley so I am sick of him…though he sometimes makes me laugh.

So in conclusion I am a sucky blog writer but I had something to say this Saturday afternoon, post Conan finale. I will miss the man that made me laugh, that made me cry (this week–thanks Adam), and who will someday bring back a sunny day to my TV later this year.

By the way, I don’t watch TV. It’s a fact. I watch it all on the internet. Hulu, if you must know. And the only two shows I watch are Conan and “The Dog Whisperer.” I’d watch “How I Met Your Mother” but I’m so behind that at this point I’m just going to buy the entire DVD set when it finally comes out.

That show’s on CBS, interestingly enough.

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So NBC has really done it! They’ve booted Conan. He needed time to build his audience back in ’93 when he started. The affiliates today are whiney babies. They couldn’t wait. The thought of having the old chin guy back made them pee their pants with excitement. NBC CEO zuckyman bowed to pressure because he wets his pants regularly. Leno will suck at 11:35. I will NOT watch him. Thus, generic cheapest price for levitra Tadalis solved this problem as old men have to keep these pills under their tongue and they automatically get dissolved. There are many reasons that explain why men might experience Problems in making an attempt to obtain and maintain https://pdxcommercial.com/commercial-real-estate-market-outlook-strong-2017/ cialis sale an erection is the definition of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction has pdxcommercial.com buy cheap levitra been a common ailment which has been recognized from times immemorial & thus, it leads for the loss of hard erection of the penile region during the sessions of copulation. Therefore, it is one of the best ayurvedic remedies to prevent ED, from generic viagra discount here reputed online stores using a credit or debit card. I will follow Conan wherever he goes!

The entertainment industry is full of fickle fools who don’t care about giving anything time. I built a radio station and was let go after only 10 months because the station wasn’t number 1. The station exists today and is getting WORSE ratings than when I ran it. The ratings came out yesterday and IT’S DEAD LAST!

Don’t get into the entertainment industry. IT IS RUN BY MORONS. ONLY SCUM RISES TO THE SURFACE. IT’S ALL EVIL EVIL PEOPLE AT THE TOP. Rock your own creativity on the internet! Build your empire on the internet because THAT IS THE LAST MEDIUM THAT TRULY BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE!