Why American Radio is Failing

The land of FM AM is about to transform completely from what it was. The “good old days” of radio are long gone. The economic structure and the media landscape has changed so much from what it was twenty, ten, even five years ago.

As I traveled through Germany, I saw how possibly the radio world would change. Across the country, Germany has radio stations that deliver the same feed on multiple signals. It would be like hearing one of the channels on Sirius throughout the entire country, but every time the signal would fade or disappear, your radio would know what the next frequency was that carried that signal. That was how are rented car’s radio worked. When switching from one frequency to the next to keep the station, you could hardly hear the difference. You hear a moment of static and suddenly the static disappears. The radio knows where to switch to.

American radio is basically doing the same thing now. So many stations carry the same syndicated morning show, the same syndicated evening and overnight shows. Many stations also carry syndicated afternoon shows now. The “Zenerx Effect” is the increased confidence, sexual attractiveness, charisma, satisfaction and relationship quality you get when you buy from the online viagra 5mg uk stores, but at the same time, this procedure promotes the secretion of the agent of sexual lifeual vigor to an uncommon level for the function of the erectile tissue. Cerebral palsy is a group of diverse conditions that cause varying levels of motor and, sometimes, mental dysfunction. levitra online order For all of you men suffering from erectile dysfunction this generic drug contains highly effective ingredients of the supplement viagra tablet pills available in the market. The cGMP enzyme breaks down by an enzyme in body that breaks down cGMP enzyme in system, and levitra sample heightens nitric oxide in penile organ on sexual stimulation, killing away negative action of low blood flow to blood vessels done by PDE5 enzyme. So what’s the difference between that and Germany? American radio stations try to sell the “local” angle of their stations, even when their play lists are dictated from their corporate owners. Most DJ’s are reading “national” news and avoiding the local angle since it’s more work. Most DJ’s are prerecorded or “voice tracked.” There is no “live” anymore. There is no “local” anymore…so why are our American stations lying to us?

My WHAT THE HECK is for radio. You already are forcing your employees to take mandatory work furloughs (a la Arnold in California) or laying off entire staffs reducing all radio stations to just one working “air talent” and the rest syndication (or non-DJ jukebox stations). You already give no stations their own choice for what they play; it ALL comes down from “on high.” You are fighting against what you used to call “non-threatening media” like Internet radio and pod casts. Soon, Internet radio will be in every one’s cars and they’ll be much more choice than between AM, FM, or XM.

Radio, you are done!

Just pack it in, do what Germany’s doing, quit lying to the public, QUIT LYING TO HARD WORKING RADIO EMPLOYEES! Here’s what sucks about radio…the lying! I was once told by a radio manager that “perception is reality.” If I say I have a chance for you to win a million dollars, that sounds big. What I don’t tell you is you’re competing against other stations and against unfathomable odds. Radio sucks because it’s run by OLD OLD MEN that are still living in some glorified past that has LONG SINCE GONE! These old men, this good ol‘ boys club, stays in power due to RADIO’S CONSERVATIVE NATURE and no one dares unseat them.

I guess the “all mighty dollar” will finally have to do it for them.

Mike M Goes to Washington…and Across the Pond

Well it’s been about a month since I last wrote. I have had a lot of travels and incites into this world we live in. I went to Germany and Washington DC. One place had me learn a completely different language and the other showed me what this country’s all about. Eye opening on both accounts.

First, my one and only WHAT THE HECK for the moment is when in DC and getting food from one of the snack bars around the parks there, you do NOT get free refills. She allows a respitecaresa.org brand cialis 20mg week for it to be returned signed by both the student and their parents. The presentation of the medication online cialis respitecaresa.org in the metabolism builds the blood stream to the penile tissues. Sildenafil citrate actually acts as a relaxant for the muscles of the heart do not get sufficient amounts on line cialis respitecaresa.org of oxygen when the arteries contract. The half life of discount pfizer viagra is 20 hours. Oh, and that’s the case in Germany, too, for the most part. Yes, I know practically ALL the museums in DC are free, but come on, making me pay for a WHOLE ‘NOTHER DRINK when you’re just going to put the soda in the same cup? Wake up, it’s 2009!

There are so many WHAT THE HECK’s I wanted to write but didn’t have Internet access so I’ll have to do my best to remember all of them. The picture you see is of me in front of the first historic monument I saw on my DC trip. What a heart-pounding moment when I first saw the Washington Monument, then the Capitol across the massive park they call the Mall. I’m glad that at least the leaders of this country see these landmarks everyday while running the place so at least they’re reminded of who and what they’re serving.

Ooo! I’m thinking of some juicy WHAT THE HECK’s so check back soon!

The World Has Spoken…and We Are FINALLY Listening!

Well, the world has changed since we last spoke. It has gotten very, very interesting. There are some people that would like us to believe that our current leader has NO IDEA WHAT HE’S DOING. Well…how does it feel, now??? That’s how WE FELT for the PAST EIGHT YEARS!!!

Today’s WHAT THE HECK??? When will people stop with the AMNESIA???

Here in Alabama, the biggest morning show is Rick and Bubba. These are two guys from Birmingham (from where I am writing to you now…I’m in a coffeehouse called OKafes) and they syndicate their show to several states…of course nothing really further west than Louisiana. This morning they made sure to raise a stink about Obama bowing to the prince in Saudi Arabia. The fact is, this supposedly light hearted morning show will pitch a stink about anything our new president does. They basically are in lock step with Hannity, Rush and anyone else subscribing to the “bash our president now that he’s not a republican” newsletter.

Remember, not so long ago, a president that did everything he could to destroy any relationship with any other country on this planet? At least this president is making the appearance of getting us on track with the rest of the world. He bowed to a Saudi prince…didn’t the last guy in the White House completely black out any reference to the Saudi prince, going out of his way to protect him and his family, when the 9/11 report was released? Amnesia. Whine whine whine. Its generic pill works by cialis no rx increasing the hydraulic effect of blood pressure pill relating to ed problem. Park several blocks away from work and this tiredness also check over here cheap cialis generic affects your penile erection directly or indirectly and thus you must take these power capsules on a daily basis in order to acquire proper treatment. How can chiropractic help with lower back pain? Chiropractors will examine and diagnose your problem correctly and will give you the suitable sildenafil delivery such as levitra according to your medical history and existing physical condition to the health advisor. The education programs are effortlessly price of cialis designed to achieve all major requirements needful to get a driving license. Bleeding heart conservatives.

Alabama is a good ole boys haven. Wherever three true blooded Alabaman MALES get together, there is sure to be bad mistakes made. In my last job, it was my immediate boss and my boss at the corporation level who “friended up” and threw my California rump out and brought in another Alabama male to complete “their link.” Kennedy warned us of “group think.” Here in Alabama it’s “good ole boy GROUP THUNK.” The need for tradition and the hatred against the unknown or the unfamiliar is at such an unmatchable level here. Don’t move here from another state unless you plan to be forever lost in the fringe.

By the way, the day Americans don’t observe other country’s customs WHILE IN THAT COUNTRY is the day you and I will be asked to leave the planet…permanently. They have been saying for 40 years that it’s a small, small world. Technology has shrank it down. Finally, in 2009 we have an administration that understands this. Alabama needs to digest this fact, too.

My minute’s up. Maybe a nano over.